We acquired the code breaker, and finally...the bagels.

S.S. Odessa

Plenty of fuel, food, and even some new fuze cards!

NQ Reports NQ 9

We've a small glimmer of hope but how long can it last? Final Report . ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... We must have been followed since we salvaged the container Those moronic pirates! They must have been following us since we picked up the container. I can’t believe they actually boarded us though!! We’re short fuze cards, on glincar cells, on pulse canisters for the fuel drive capacitor, medical supplies, maybe even sanity, but there’s one thing we’re not short on…ammo. As the aft cargo deck door uncinches, we hide behind a series of crates at the back-right bay, Killia and I at the left side of the crate wall and Janet, and Jacob, on the right side of the crate wall. All of us can barely contain our laughter as the cargo deck opens and we load our extended magazines into our high caliber pulse blasters we picked up on Illianian5. Lucky for myself, and my crew, I had the inside of the cargo hold reinforced with tungsten-amythidium. Time to cook. As the bay door finally opens and clunks into place, the mangy scoundrels reveal themselves, walking quietly in their purple leather jackets, must be Keenar Raiders. I wondered what they were doing all the way out here, but more than that I knew it time for the crew and I to relieve some tension. They spoke in hushed tones, but it was too late. Kilia was the first to take a pop shot at them. She peeked out from a vent she scurried over to when I wasn’t looking and fried the first one’s ankles, both of them. Before who I could only have assumed was the leader fell to the floor panels, and finish saying “Shit, they’re arm-”, Janet leaped out like a lunatic and burst sprayed the lot of them in a standing, then kneeling position. Some fell and other staggered out of the way. As a couple aimed some weapons of their own, Janet rolled back over behind the crates. I called to about ten feet away at the end of the crate wall, “Hey, what’s the count?” She called back, “Eleven…well six now, seven if you count the one grabbing his ankles on the ground like a little pussy.” I give her a sour look. She responds, “What?..I haven’t eaten today. Let’s take care of the rest of em’.” “Alright, let’s do it.” I returned with a laugh. Jacob, Killia, and I emerged and blasted the aft deck without mercy. Purple-violet pulse blasts scattered and settled onto the bay, frying the would-be marauders, yet leaving the tungsten-amythidium paneling unharmed. We each must have emptied half a mag on those scumbags. After the smoke clears, I give a final laugh and a sigh, and I remark, “If only Amber were here to see this.” Everyone glares at Janet. ................... Oh, yeah, and Zero One Zero shot someone's ear off. He was hiding in his bunk bed. I see he's good at more than freeing snacks. We needed this. As much fun as we had, Killia seems a little shaken though,.. we need to settle somewhere for a bit.